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Entreprenuerial spirit, but wanting to work with you!


Originally from Central New Jersey, (No, I don’t have a New York or Philly accent. Yes I am Italian, and go to the Jersey Shore.) I moved to Miami mostly for the weather, scenery, and views, but also to be part of an authentic city with unique culture. I wanted to live in a place where I am able to find people who inspire me. Miami has not let me down.


Why Advertising?

I have always loved advertising and marketing. My dad watches a lot of tv, and he found as I was growing up that I was more interested in the commercials than the actual show. When I watch commercials I think about how memorable and engaging they are, what’s the objective, who is the target audience. I look for incontinuities and errors.


He got me thinking that a career in advertising could be where I belong. And he was right. I went to college for advertising and have been pursuing advertising ever since.

Take a look at the projects I've led.

Why I Love Advertising?

I love the power that advertising and marketing have to influence, cause action, persuade, inform, educate, entertain; The power to create tribes, change emotions, signify meaning, connect people, tell stories, etc.


I love the reach. Being able to create something that touches many people is exciting. 


I love the accountability of advertising and marketing. You can see ROI, CPA, the number of leads generated, amount of traffic increases, number of views, shares, likes, downloads, coupons redeemed, subscriptions completed, classes enrolled, tickets bought, events attended, sales made, etc. 


Why I am I Great at It?

Goal oriented. Driven to accomplish objectives and complete tasks. I thrive in fast-paced, competitive environments, not afraid to weigh the potential risk for the reward. Mentally and motivationally balanced both in wild creativity and structured management/business. 

An artist at heart Jessica can paint, draw, sketch, visualize, conceptualize, layout, and even create mockups. Continually keeping up with print, video digital design, UX, and advertising trends. My friends always say I'd be rich if I had a dollar for every idea I came up with.




Finding the right answers is about asking the right questions. An objective focused strategy that complements an entire marketing plan, while looking for profitable opportunities. Creating original and/or disruptive content that connects with target audiences.


I can corral cats (including grumpy cats). Master of lists, wizard prioritizer, ninja organizer of people, task, money, and time. Enjoys planning, managing and long walks on the beach. My secret weapon? Recognizing resources strengths, weaknesses, preferences, and motivations to utilize them accordingly to achieve maximum results.


Determined and dedicated to creating beautiful and effective branding, strategy, and advertising that have impact. Hardworking, honest, dependable, reliable, and professional you can count on me to be there, prepared, on time, and dressed for the part. Trustworthy with passwords, budgets, and billing. 


Sounds too good to be true,

but wait! There's more!

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